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Lowongan Staff, Manager di BUMN PT LEN Industri (Persero), Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

PT Len Industri (Persero) - LEN is a reputable state-owned company in Indonesia running business electronic for industry & infrastructure. The Company has been active since 1965 in Indonesia and commenced as a government research institution named Lembaga Elektronik Nasional (LEN) - LIPI (National Electronics Institute - Indonesian Institute of Science). PT Len Industri (Persero) was launched in 1991. LEN is based in Bandung West Java and has 3 directly-owned subsidiaries, among others PT Eltran Indonesia, PT Len Railway Systems, and PT Surya Energi Indotama. LEN’s performance in 2012 improved over the previous year, according to LEN Annual Report 2012. LEN’s consolidated net profit as of December 2012 reached Rp 66.71 billion, rises 76.51% compared to Rp 37.79 billion in December 2011.

To achieve the company vision; to become a world-class electronics company, PT Len Industri (Persero) have following positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as

Account Manager

General Requirements
  • Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Electro Engineering, Informatics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Management
  • Preferably Female, Experienced in marketing and auctions
  • Indonesian Citizen (WNI) physically and mentally healthy;
  • Having creativity, high personal integrity;
  • Independent and have a passion to work hard and never give up;
  • Proficiency in oral and written English;
  • Has a very good ability in writing, verbal communication, and computer usage (Windows, MS Office);
  • Not having a husband / wife who works as an employee or prospective employee of PT. Len Industri (Persero);
  • Willing to sign an affidavit stating:
    • Not willing to resign for 2 years in accordance with the provisions of the company
    • Willing to be placed throughout the project location PT Len Industri (Persero)
For further information about jobs requirements, and how to in each positions above, please refer official source from ITB Career Center on following links below. Deadline: 29 January 2014. All application will kept strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. (Source)

Lowongan D3/S1 Mitra Development Program Bank BII Maybak untuk wilayah Solo dan Yogyakarta, Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk - BII or BII-Maybank is an extensively growing commercial banks in Indonesia. BII-Maybank provides a wide range of banking financial services to Retail, SME and Wholesale segments. As of June 2013, BII-Maybank has 1 Jakarta head office, 81 branches, 326 sub-branches, 7 cash offices, 5 sharia branch offices and 2 sharia sub-branch offices in all over Indonesia. BII-Maybank is a member of the Malayan Banking Bhd (Maybank Group), a major financial company from Malaysia. Maybank Group holds majority stakes (97.29%) in BII-Maybank through Sorak Financial Holdings Pte Ltd (54.33%) and Maybank Offshore Corporate Services (42.96%). As at the end of June 2013 BII Maybank successfully maintained profitability, according to BII Maybank consolidated financial report in June 2013. Its report showed that BII Maybank's total comprehensive income amounted to Rp 373.59 billion in the six-month periods ended 30 June 2013.

Due to facing fast business growth and expanding of business across Indonesia, PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions

Mitra Development Program (MDP)

  • Min Diploma Degree (D3) or Bachelor Degree (S1) with GPA min 2.50
  • Max age 26 years old
  • Work experience is not more than one year
  • Preferably local people who want to be placed in the area of ​​origin
  • Have a good communication skill
  • Have a passion and willingness to develop the economy in the region
Please identify the job code you are applying clearly on the top right of your resume, complete with a recent photograph and a copy of academic transcript. Please bring all application documents along the Walk-In Interview on

  • Date : 10 January 2014
  • Place : Ruang Rapat Lembaga Studi Realino Kampus Mrican Tromol Pos 29 Yogyakarta
  • Time : 09.00 WIB
  • Registration : Kantor Wakil Rektor IV, Gd Pusat Lt 2 Kampus Mrican
  • Date : 16 January 2014
  • Place : Ruang Seminar Gd J Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika, Kampus 2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta - Jl Ahmad Yani Tromol Pos 1 Kartosura – Sukoharjo
  • Time : 09.00 WIB
  • Registration : SMS to 0857 2822 6443 with sms format BII – Name – Age – Gender – University – Faculty – Departement – GPA – Phone number
        For further information about this program, please refer official source from BII Maybank on following link below. All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (Source1 - Source2)

        Lowongan Fresh Graduate Programme di Standard Chartered Bank Indonesia, Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

        Consumer Bank Fast Track Programme

        We’re at the frontline helping our customers through some of life’s most important phases, while continually shaping the way banking is carried out tomorrow. The 12-18 month Consumer Bank Fast Track Programme is an accelerated programme that aims to nurture your capabilities towards a career as a world-class banker.  You’ll develop the skills and knowledge required to be the face of Standard Chartered, enabling you to build strong relationships with our customers to grow their wealth and meet their banking needs.

        Programme structure
        You can choose to complete the Consumer Bank Fast Track Programme in one of two programme streams: 
        1. The Relationship Management (RM) stream, which is geared towards your development into a world-class Relationship Manager.
        2. The Generalist stream, where you will gain broad generalist capabilities and a well-rounded development experience across our Consumer Bank functions.
        The broad timeframe ensures you have the flexibility to explore the different career paths that are available through the programme, while allowing you to develop at your own pace and in line with our business needs.

        Entry Requirements:
        1. An undergraduate degree, any discipline
        2. The legal right to work in the country for which you are applying
        3. Fluency in English; Second language is considered beneficial

        Consumer Banking International Graduate Programme 

        To become a great leader in an emerging market, you must grow and develop yourself faster than your country is growing. 

        The Consumer Bank International Graduate Programme is a generalist programme where you can develop experience and exposure across the bank. From Lending, to Credit, to High Net Worth or SME banking, we encourage you to challenge and stretch yourself. 

        Ultimately, this programme will lead to a leadership role within the Bank. Whether it's leading a team, running a budget or delivering transformational change for our customers, we’ll expect you to make a real difference to our business.

        Programme structure
        The programme is designed to prepare you for a challenging role as a future leader, while enabling you to take sensible risks, and explore the different paths that will enable you to shine.

        Over the course of 24 months, you can expect to take part in:
        1. The International Induction Programme (IIP) and an academic programme, which together lay the foundation for your future success.
        2. Role rotations in different business areas providing a thorough understanding of how our Consumer Bank works and where your strengths are best suited.
        3. A regional Action Learning Programme where you will collaborate with other graduates to develop and implement a project that has a material benefit to our business.
        4. Extensive formal and informal learning opportunities that will equip you with the specialist skills and knowledge you need to excel as a banker and future leader.
        Entry requirements
        1. Undergraduate or post graduate, any discipline
        2. The legal right to work in the country for which you are applying
        3. Fluency in English; a second language is considered beneficial

        If you're interested, please apply directly to www.standardchartered.com/ExploreYou and forward your appllication to : juli.puspasari@sc.com

        Lowongan Staff di Mitratel by Telkom Indonesia, perusahaan group BUMN Telkom yang bergerak dalam bidang tower, Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

        PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (MITRATEL) merupakan perusahaan Tower & Telecom Infrastructure Provider yang berada dalam naungan TELKOM Group. Dengan visi untuk menjadi Leader dalam penyediaan infrastruktur Telekomunikasi di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara, perusahaan kami berkembang amat cepat dari tahun ke tahun, dan untuk itu kami mengundang Anda untuk bergabung bersama kami. Untuk posisi:

        1. MANAGER LEGAL

        Bersama kami, kesempatan karir dan mengembangkan diri terbuka sangat lebar. Kami menyediakan berbagai program untuk mengembangan kompetensi, karir dan aktualisasi profesionalisme Anda, antara lain :
        • Kesempatan pelatihan, seminar yang luas di berbagai institusi.
        • Fasilitas E-learning dengan ratusan topik dan certified.
        • Kesempatan karir yang luas di MITRATEL dan juga memperluas karir di TELKOM Group.
        • Situasi kerja yang kekeluargaan dan team oriented.

        a.    Persyaratan Umum:
        Pria/Wanita, usia maks 40th. Pendidikan S1 Hukum dipersilahkan mengajukan lamaran.
        b.  Persyaratan Khusus:
        • Pengalaman bekerja di Lawfirm/Corporate Legal
        • Memiliki Lisensi Ijin Beracara di Pengadilan yang dikeluarkan leh PERADI
        • Kemampuan bahasa inggris baik
        • Kemampuan komunikasi baik
        c.   Lingkup kerja
        • Mengelola penyelenggaraan layanan hukum dan bantuan persengketaan baik dengan internal maupun eksternal perusahaan ;
        • Menyusun berbagai standar perikatan yang terkait dengan bisnis perusahaan;
        • Melakukan kajian hukum dan peraturan perundangan yang berkaitan dengan bisnis perusahaan;
        • Mengurus ijin dan akta yang berkaitan dengan bisnis yang dikelola perusahaan;
        • Mengelola dokumentasi perikatan dan perijinan perusahaan guna menjamin keabsahan kegiatan perusahaan;
        • Mendukung proses legalitas Direktorat lain dalam kerangka penerapan pola Kemitraan (partnership) dengan Mitra Usaha untuk meningkatkan dan atau memperluas lingkup bisnis perusahaan.
        • Mempersiapkan proses IPO

        Go to top of page


        a.    Persyaratan Umum:

        Pria/wanita dengan pendidikan minimal S1 semua jurusan

        b.  Persyaratan Khusus:

        • Terampil mengoperasikan komputer dan aplikasi Microsoft Excel dan Word
        • Terbiasa bekerja secara teliti dan rapi
        • Mampu bekerjasama secara tim
        • Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam berkomunikasi sekaligus menuangkannya dalam bentuk tulisan
        • Memiliki kondisi kesehatan yang baik
        • Memiliki integritas, kejujuran dan bertanggungjawab
        • Bersedia bekerja lembur (termasuk hari libur)

          c.   Deskripsi Pekerjaan Staff Development Planning

        • Menghandle Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) untuk dimasukkan dalam database SAP dalam Purchase Requisition
        • Mengikuti kegiatan Project (Design Review Meeting) dengan customer
        • Mengupdate status project
        • Memastikan approval dokumen komplit ke setiap customer dan pemilik tower
        • Membuat laporan dan harian untuk mendukung kegiatan engineer.
           d.  Lokasi Penugasan: Jakarta

        Kirimkan CV anda ke karir@mitratel.co.id (max 250kb) lengkap dengan foto dan info gaji terakhir atau gaji yang diinginkan, dengan subject email: Staff Development Planning (Outsourcing), paling lambat 07 November 2013. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan mengikuti proses rekrut.

        Go to top of page


        a.    Persyaratan Umum:

        Pria/wanita dengan pendidikan minimal S1  jurusan Teknik Informatika

        b.  Persyaratan Khusus:

        • Menguasai OS seperti Linux, Windows Server, dll
        • Menguasai Shell Script Programming
        • Memahami dan mengerti konsep framework PHP seperti Ci, YII
        • Menguasai pemrograman PHP, MySQL, ORACLE
        • Mengerti design grafis
        • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik

          c.   Lingkup kerja Staff IT

        • Membuat dokumentasi pengembangan Aplikasi
        • Menyusun requirement Aplikasi bersama user
        • Membuat design Aplikasi sesuai dengan requirement yang sudah dibuat
        • Melakukan testing Aplikasi dan Implementasi kepada user
           d.  Lokasi Penugasan: Jakarta

         Kirimkan CV anda ke karir@mitratel.co.id (max 250kb) lengkap dengan foto dan info gaji terakhir, dengan subject email: Staff IT (Outsourcing), paling lambat tanggal 7 November 2013.

        Go to top of page


        a.    Persyaratan Umum:

        Pria dan Wanita, Pendidikan minimal S1, jurusan Teknik Elektro/Teknik Telekomuniasi. Dengan pengalaman minimal 2 (dua) tahun dibidang yang relevan.

        b.  Persyaratan Khusus:

        • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik,
        • Memiliki relasi yang luas di kalangang operator selular,
        • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai AM atau yang berkaitan dengan proses sales leased tower.

          c.   Lingkup kerja Account Manager:

        • Menjalankan tugas dan fungsi pemasaran produk dan jasa perusahaan kepada Operator Telekomunikasi.
        • Melakukan fungsi customer retention bagi operators.
        • Membantu akses dan koordinasi progres project baik secara internal maupun dengan operator.
        • Melakukan kunjungan secara rutin dan membina hubungan yang baik dengan para key person guna merealisasi target perusahaan.

           d.  Lokasi Penugasan: Balikpapan

         Kirimkan CV anda ke karir@mitratel.co.id (max 250kb) lengkap dengan foto dan info gaji terakhir, dengan subject email: Account Manager.

        Lowongan S1 beberapa posisi staff di perusahaan tambang terkemuka PT Adaro Energy Tbk (fresh graduate dipersilahkan untuk melamar), Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di:

        PT Adaro Energy Tbk - Adaro Group or  known as Adaro is a one of the bigges mining and energy companies in Indonesia, which is based in Jakarta and having 17 mining concessions in Kalimantan area. Adaro was established in 2004 and together with their subsidiaries engaged in 8 business sectors, namely Adaro Mining Assets, Adaro Exploration & Drilling Services, Adaro Mining Technologies, Adaro Land Asset Management, Adaro Mining Services, Adaro Logistics Services, Adaro Power, and Adaro Marketing & Trading.  Adaro Group reported to achieve a new quarterly record for coal production of 13.52 million tonnes or rises 12% year over year or 18 percent increase quarter over quarter (q-o-q), according to their Quarterly Activities Report - Second Quarter of 2013. In 2012, Adaro named "Most Trusted Companies 2012" in the top 20 Most Trusted Companies from SWA Magazine and the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Governance.

        Due to strengthen its team and to achieve the company vision; to be a leading Indonesian mining and energy group, PT Adaro Energy Tbk invites the best professional peoples to join as following positions below :

        Demand Planner

        • Min. S1 majoring in Engineering with a minimum GPA of 3:00.
        • Have experience as a Junior Demand Planner min.2 years.
        • Have the ability to Shipping Administration.
        • Have the ability to Expedition Management.
        • Have the ability to Contract Management.
        • Have knowledge of Maritime Regulations.
        • Have knowledge of Product Treatment.
        Internal Audit Staff

        • Min. S1 Industrial Engineering from leading universities in Indonesia with min. GPA is 3.00 out
        • Have min.2 years experience as internal audit, this position is also open to fresh graduates.
        • Have knowledge of the auditor and mining activities.
        • Have a good interpersonal skills.
        • Have a good writting & Reporting skills.
        Dara Processing Staff

        • Minimum S1 Computer/IT Engineering
        • Min 1 year experience as database programmer
        • Familiar with database management
        • Experience in designing database in Excel (Macro), MS Access, Visual Basic or other similar software
        • Experience in SQL operating and programming
        • Fresh graduate with above relevant  experiences as a programmer are welcome to apply
        For further information about job requirements, responsibilities and to apply online in each positions above, please refer official source from Adaro Career Website on following link below. All applications will be treated as strictly confidential. Only qualified candidates that meet with the above requirements would be processed in this recruitment. (Source)

        Lowongan SMK (STM) / D3 di PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk Divisi Gedung, Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

        PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk - Waskita is a publicly listed construction company in Indonesia, based in Jakarta. The Company was founded in 1961 as a nationalization results of a Dutch company named "Volker Aanemings Maatschappij NV". In December 2012, the Company released 32% shares to public through the mecanism of Initial Public Offering (IPO) and  commenced as a publicly listed company. To support its business activities, Waskita owned 9 Division units; namely Civil Division, Building Division, EPC Division, Realty Division, Preacast Division, Regional Division I (Pekanbaru), Regional Division II (Balikpapan), Regional Division III (Denpasar), and Regional Division IV (Makassar). According to Waskita's latest financial statement (Financial Statement 2nd Quarter of 2013), Waskita reached significant performance in first half of 2013 with booked Rp 56.62 billion in total comprehensive income for the first half of 2013.

        To answer the challenges of the future, PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk have following positions to offer for the right person that can grow together as

        Mechanical Electrical & Plumbing (MEP)

        • Male
        • Max age 35 years old
        • STM (SMK)/D3 Electricity/Mechanical
        • Experience in ME instalation at highrise building
        • Willing to be placed in all over Indonesia
        • Computer literate, min MS Office
        • Ready to take challenges
        For further information, please refer official source from Jobstreet on following link below. To apply, please submit your application letter, CV and photograph to PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk Divisi Gedung - Jl MT Haryono Kav 10 Cawang Jakarta Timur. Only qualified candidate match with the above mentioned qualifications will be notified for further selection. (Source)

        Lowongan Kerja Oktober 2013 - Posisi Cup Tester (Minimal SMA IPA / SMK Kimia Industri / Kimia Analis / Farmasi) di PT Santos Jaya Abadi (Kopi Kapal Api), Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

        Sebagai pelopor produk kopi nasional sejak tahun 1927, kami terus berinovasi untuk meningkatkan  kualitas produk dan memberikan nilai terbaik bagi para pelanggan kami. Kami membutuhkan para kandidat yang kompeten, berdedikasi, serta memiliki motivasi dan semangat inovasi yang tinggi dalam  menghadapi tantangan dan mencapai kesuksesan untuk bergabung ke dalam tim kami sebagai:

        Cup Tester (CT)

        Deskripsi Pekerjaan :
        Melakukan pemeriksaan mutu dan uji cita rasa produk.
        Kualifikasi Pekerjaan:
        • Wanita, maks. 25 tahun
        • Minimal SMA IPA / SMK Kimia Industri / Kimia Analis / Farmasi
        • Sehat jasmani dan rohani, tidak buta warna
        • Memiliki kemampuan sensori yang baik (indera pengecap)
        • Jujur, teliti dan disiplin tinggi
        • Bersedia bekerja secara Shift
        • Bersedia ditempatkan di Karawang – Jawa Barat

        Lamaran dan data pribadi dapat dikirimkan kepada:
        Human Resource Department
        PT Santos Jaya Abadi
        JL. Suryamadya Kav. 1 – 18BC
        Kawasan Industri Surya Cipta
        Atau melalui email :

        Lowongan D3/S1 Fresh Graduate di BUMN Konstruksi PT Hutama Karya (Persero), Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

        PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta - MRT Jakarta is a rapidly growing land transportation company in Indonesia, based in Jakarta. The Company was formed in 2008 with main duty to establish, operate and maintain the mass rapid transit (MRT) system in DKI Jakarta and fit supporting businesses. MRT Jakarta is 99.5% owned by the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta and 0.5% owned by PD Pasar Jaya. MRT Jakarta will manage approximately 110.8 km MRT railways in 2 corridors, namely South-North Corridor of about 23.8 km and East-West Corridor of about 87 km. In 10 October 2013, the Company has officially conducted ground-breaking in its first MRT track (South-North Corridor), which will connect the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Dukuh Atas Central Jakarta to Lebak Bulus in South Jakarta.
        Due to the Company's current rapid development, PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta are inviting professionals to join for the following challenging positions as :


        • Female with maximum age of 26 years old
        • Minimum of D3 of Secretary or Business Administration from reputable university
        • Min 3 years of working experience as Secretary
          Fluent in English (both written and oral)
        • Having good communication and interpersonal skills
        • Good looking and pleasant personality.
        HR Compensation & Benefit

        • Male with maximum age of 25 years old.
        • Minimum S1 of Accounting from reputable University (GPA min 3.00)
        • At least 2 years working experience as HR Compensation & Benefit 
        • Fluent in English (both written and oral)
        • Good knowledge of MS Office, Word and Excel
        • Have good knowledge of Tax
        • Having good communication and interpersonal skills.

        • Female with maximum age of 23 years old.
        • Minimum of D3 of Secretary or Business Administration from reputable University
        • At least one year working experience as Receptionist
        • Fluent in English (both written and oral)
        • Having good communication and interpersonal skills
        • Good looking and pleasant personality.
        For further information, please refer official source from PT MRT Jakarta through JobsDB on following link below. To apply, please email in details of your work experience, qualification, photograph and contact number not later than 31 October 2013 to : hr@jakartamrt.com (max 500kb). Please indicate the position code in the email subject. All applications will be treated strictly confidential and only short-listed candidates will receive responses. Late submissions will not be considered and phone inquiries will not be accepted. (Source)

        Lowongan Kerja Drafter - PT Tjokro Putra Perkasa :


        • Mendesain Gambar
        • Membuat Gambar Sesudah Pelaksanaan
        • Membuat Gambar perencanaan sesuai dengan spesifikasi & standard Perusahaan


        • Usia Maksimal 30 tahun
        • Pendidikan Minimal SMK Sederajat
        • Diutamakan yang bisa mengusai Auto Cad 2D / 3D, Mechanical Dekstop
        • Bisa membaca Gambar Teknik.
        • Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, sehat jasmani dan rohani, mampu bekerja dengan baik secara team

        Company Overview

        PT Tjokro Putra Perkasa, Kami perusahaan di bidang pembuatan dan perbaikan gear, shaft & machinery part yang berkembang di Surabaya. Saat ini kami membuka kesempatan untuk kandidat-kandidat baru untuk posisi