14th Career Days UGM 2013 – D3/S1 Tax Kategori Posisi : Perpajakan / Taxation
Syarat Umum :
Tingkat Lulus : Minimal D3
Jurusan : Akuntansi Perpajakan,
Syarat Khusus :
- Graduated From Reputable University (Fresh Graduate)
- Willing to be placed on the entire working area of PT. HUTAMA KARYA (Persero)
- GPA Min. 2.85 for state university and Min. 3.00 for private university (A accreditation durings 3 years)
- Age S-1 max. 24 years / Male
- Fluent in English (oral & written)
- Microsoft Office / Open Office (Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Power Point)
- Healthy performance, with proportional appearance with height Min. 162 cm
- Highly power struggle and highly driven with a strong commitment in achieving career, personal, organizational goal and have a good teamwork
Lowongan ini juga dapat dilamar pada saat pelaksanaan 14th Career Days UGM 2013, 9-10 November 2013 di Jogja Expo Center (JEC) Yogyakarta, gratis dan untuk umum.
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