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Lowongan Kerja di PT BNI LIFE INSURANCE Posisi STAF ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT (Perkiraan Gaji Rp3,500,000 - Rp6,500,000), Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di:

PT. BNI Life Insurance, perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat dan bergerak dalam bidang Asuransi Jiwa membutuhkan profesional yang dinamis, trampil dan memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk ditempatkan pada posisi:


  • Jenis Kelamin : Pria atau Wanita
  • Usia : Minimal 25 tahun, Maksimal 35 tahun
  • Pendidikan Minimal : S-1, Semua Jurusan, diutamakan Psikologi, MSDM, Hukum dengan IPK minimal 3.00 dari PTN/PTS Terkenal
  • Pengalaman Kerja : 1 tahun di posisi yang sama
Keterampilan Teknis :
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dengan program Ms. Office (Ms. Word, Excel, PowerPoint),
Kemampuan Berbahasa :
  • Bahasa Inggris Aktif
Kompetensi yang harus dimiliki    : 
  • Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dan persuasif yang baik
  • Memiliki Integritas yang tinggi
  • Memiliki Inovasi, ide dan kreativitas yang cukup baik
  • Mampu menyesuaikan diri dan beradaptasi dengan cepat
  • Memiliki penampilan yang rapi dan sopan
  • Memiliki kemampuan menganalisa
  • Dapat bekerja dibawah tekanan
  • Bahasa Inggris Aktif

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap dan CV terbaru (kode lamaran : OD) ke :

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Rekrutmen Pegawai Non PNS untuk Tenaga Apoteker, TTK dan Pekerja Sosial di RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang, Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di:

Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dokter Kariadi Semarang - RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang is a reputable and leading general hospital in Central Java Province. Originally registeread as Centrale Buzgerlijke Ziekewsichting (CBZ), a Dutch Hospital which was founded in 1925. The name of RSUP Dr Kariadi was established in 1964. The Hospital is owned by the Government of Indonesia through DG of Health Effort Care of the Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. The Hospital is based in Semarang and situated in Jl Dr Sutomo No 16 Semarang. The Hospital is a class A Hospital and also affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University (FK Undip) Semarang. At present, RSUP Dr Kariadi has 978 beds, including 2 president suites, 13 VVIP, 80 VIP, 15 main beds, 42 intensive care units, 115 Class I, 184 Class II, and 527 Class III.

Due to strengthen its team, RSUP Dr Kariadi Semarang are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following positions

Position Code
Education Level
S1 Pharmacist
D3 Pharmacist
Asisten Apoteker
D4 Social Worker
Sosial Medik
Total Formation

General Requirements
  • Indonesian citizen, WNI
  • Age in 1 November 2013
    • D3 : min 20 years old and max 25 years old
    • D4 : min 23 years old and max 27 years old
    • S1 Pharmacist : min 23 years old and max 27 years old
  • Graduated from reputable universities (PTN/PTS) with min accredited B
  • Willing to work with shifting system
  • Willing to domiciled in Semarang
  • GPA
    • TTK and Pharmacist ≥ 3.0
    • Social workers ≥ 2.75
  • Minimum height of 150 cm (Female) and 155 cm (Male) with an ideal body weight / proportionate and good looking
  • At the time of registering is not in a state of pregnancy
  • For D3 Pharmacist : Have Registration Certificate (STR) - Tenaga Teknis Kefarmasian
  • For S1 Pharmacist : Have Pharmacists Registration Certificate (STRA) and willing to be pharmacist assistants
  • Good behavior, as evidenced by the still SKCK from Police Depatrment
  • Passed in all stages of the selection
  • Have a good health (physical and spiritual) as evidenced by a valid medical certificate from a Government doctors (Minimum per 1 November 2013).
For further information, please refer official source from RSUP Dr Kariadi on following link below. To apply, please submit your application via online through karir.rskariadi.co.id. Closing date 6 December 2013. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for furthers process. (Source)

Lowongan Donggi-Senoro LNG (LNG Kerjasama Pertamina, Medco, dan Sulawesi LNG), Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di:

PT Donggi-Senoro LNG (DSLNG) is the first LNG Joint Venture project developed as a downstream business activity in Indonesia. DSLNG’s facility located in Uso, Banggai Regency of Central Sulawesi, has a production capacity of 2 Million tonnes of LNG per annum. Striving to be a world class facility, DSLNG is committed to becoming a safe and reliable provider of LNG. To strengthen the team in DSLNG, we are looking for dynamic professionals to fill the following positions:

Performance Management Officer

Basic Functions
  • Conduct assistance and support to Performance Management Lead in organization development initiatives, in order to support organization development implementation in the company. 
  • Implement organization design and development as required by the company. 
  • Continuously update job description as per the organization structure and ensures records of job description are properly documented. 
  • Implement performance management system, by socialization of the form usage, performance evaluation process and performance evaluation result to be used for employee development as well as promotion consideration and employee annual salary merit increase 
  • Implement QHSE regulation within his/her area of responsibility in order to minimize any possible risk and comply with company and government regulation
  • Bachelor degree in HR, OD or related. 
  • Certified assessor / OD Professional (preferable) 
  • Fluency in written and spoken English. 
  • 3 to 5 years’ experience in human resources, including 2 years in organization development especially in energy sector. 
  • Initiative / Proactivity
  • Self-Development 
  • Interpersonal Relations & Teamwork
  • Ethics & Integrity 
  • Awareness & Accountability
  • Conceptual thinking
  • Results oriented

Internal Auditor

Basic Functions
  • Conduct internal audits to verify company accounts, ensure compliance with company accounting policies, and detect also prevent fraud. 
  • Assist with the development of the annual audit plan, including a risk assessment, goals and objectives, and activities for the year. 
  • Perform audits and other engagements that adhere to professional and office standards, policies, and procedures. 
  • Ensure that suitable records are maintained to adequately document the planning, fieldwork, reporting, review, and follow-up processes for all performed audits and other engagements. 
  • Interact with the auditee throughout the course of the audit ensuring that the auditee is familiar with the audit personnel, audit objectives, and status of the audit so that a high degree of comfort and understanding is attained. 
  • Prepare detailed audit work papers that clearly identifies the work performed, including the nature, timing, extent, and results of the procedures performed, the purpose and source of the information obtained, and the conclusions the auditor reaches, in accordance with the Internal Audit Manual and professional standards. 
  • Audit accounting, operational and statistical data from various departments, divisions and locations of DSLNG to verify accuracy or compliance with policies and procedures as prescribed by management. 
  • Determine proper accountability of company assets through physical unit count, for comparison with inventory and company record. 
  • Draft the summary of audit findings and recommendations, in accordance with the Internal Audit Manual and the professional standards, ensuring that the auditee is thoroughly and fairly evaluated and is able to use the audit results to implement changes as needed. 
  • Conduct and/or participate in audit entrance and exit meetings. 
  • Develop and/or conduct presentations to management, ensuring that all presented information is accurate, complete, and objective. 
  • Audit accounting records of contractors regarding agreements where the company is a party at interest. 
  • Perform audit follow-ups, in accordance with the Internal Audit Manual and the professional standards. 
  • Assist the external auditors in the internal control assessment upon request from the external auditors and approval from the Internal Audit Manager. 
  • Utilize various types of software applications, with coordination with ICT, to facilitate efficient and effective audits and assists other employees in their use. 
  • Implement QHSE regulation within his/her area of responsibility in order to minimize any possible risk and comply with company and government regulations.
  • Bachelor degree in Accounting or Financial Management discipline. 
  • 3 to 5 years of accounting or financial management experience, preferably with exposure to Oil & Gas industry. 
  • Good computer literacy
  • Analytical Thinker
  • General Requiremens
  • General requirements for all positions:
  • Be proficient in oral and written English
  • Willing be on contractual basis
  • Willing be on fixed pattern of work schedule
  • Work Location – Site Office, Central Sulawesi
The company will provide excellent remuneration and benefits package commensurate with qualification and experience. Please send your complete application letter, CV, recent photograph, current renumeration and expected renumeration to email below and put job title name and code as the email Subject (not more than 300kb). Only short listed Candidates will be contacted.
recruitment@donggi-senoro.com This email address is being protected from spambots. 

Lowongan Kerja Posisi Account Manager (Perkiraan Gaji Rp6,500,000-Rp13,500,000) di PT Astra Graphia Tbk, Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

Account Manager ( Code : AM )
PT Astra Graphia Tbk


  • Bertanggung jawab Sebagai ujung tombak/representative perusahaan
  • Berperan bukan sekedar menjual/ memberikan solusi hardware
  • Mampu memberikan nilai tambah bagi Pelanggan dalam mencapai obyektifnya melalui solusi pengelolaan dokumen yang anda tawarkan
  • Bersedia dibekali dengan training yang progresif dan komprehensif  mencakup product knowledge, salesmanship dan managerial skills.


  • S1 Teknologi/Sains/Management/Komunikasi, min. IPK  2,75
  • Pria / Wanita, belum menikah, sehat jasmani & rohani, usia maks. 26 tahun
  • Memiliki karakter pantang menyerah serta motivasi yang tinggi untuk mencapai sukses sebagai Account Manager
  • Mempunyai kemampuan  komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik, khususnya dalam bahasa Inggris
  • Memiliki  pengetahuan dan  ketrampilan yang baik dalam bidang teknologi informasi serta menguasai aplikasi MS Office
  • Dapat mengemudikan mobil dan memiliki SIM A
  • Siap ditempatkan di cabang-cabang Astragraphia di seluruh Indonesia adalah suatu keharusan
Benefit :    
  • Karyawan permanen setelah lulus percobaan
  • Gaji, tunjangan, bonus dan insentif yang menarik
  • Karir profesional dan managerial

Company Overview

Astragraphia mengawali perjalanan bisnis pada tahun 1971 sebagai Divisi Xerox di PT Astra Internasional yang kemudian dipisahkan menjadi badan hukum sendiri pada tahun 1975. Pada tanggal 22 April 1976 Astragraphia ditunjuk secara langsung sebagai distributor eksklusif dari Fuji Xerox Co. Ltd. Jepang di seluruh Indonesia dengan ruang lingkup usaha sebagai penyedia perangkat perkantoran.
Tahun 1989 Astragraphia mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia (dahulu Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya) dengan simbol saham ASGR. Per tanggal 31 Desember 2011, 76,87% saham Astragraphia dimiliki oleh PT Astra International Tbk, dan sisanya dimiliki oleh publik.
Sejalan dengan tuntutan kebutuhan pelanggan yang dinamis dan perkembangan teknologi khususnya teknologi informasi & komunikasi, sejak tahun 1990-an Astragraphia mulai merintis transformasi bisnis menjadi penyedia Solusi Teknologi Informasi. Saat ini astragraphia memantapkan ruang lingkup usaha sebagai penyedia bisnis berbasis teknologi dokumen, informasi & komunikasi atau yang dikenal dengan sebutan DICT (Document, Information & Communication Technology). Untuk mendukung transformasi tersebut, Astragraphia menetapkan visi “Menjadi penyedia solusi bisnis berbasis teknologi dokumen, informasi & komunikasi terbaik di Indonesia” dan misi “Menyediakan nilai yang terbaik bagi pelanggan melalui solusi bisnis berbasis DICT”. Upaya mencapai visi dan misi tersebut didukung oleh budaya organisasi yang disebut VIPS (Valuable to The Nation and Life, Innovative and World Class Excellence, Preferred Partner for Customer, dan Synergetic Teamwork).
Secara badan hukum, Astragraphia terdaftar sebagai perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perdagangan, jasa konsultasi, jasa kontraktor peralatan dan perlengkapan kantor, teknologi informasi, telekomunikasi, dan perindustrian. Secara operasional, untuk menjalankan ruang lingkup usahanya, Astragraphia memiliki dua segmen usaha yang saling melengkapi satu dengan lainnya karena berorientasi pada perbaikan proses bisnis, yaitu Solusi Dokumen dan Solusi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi.
Solusi Dokumen dikelola langsung oleh Astragraphia dengan partner utama Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd., Jepang. Jenis produk dan layanan yang diberikan merupakan transformasi dari penyedia layanan berbasis perangkat keras (hardware-based services) menjadi layanan berbasis solusi (solution-based services) dalam ruang lingkup Solusi Dokumen dan teknologi informasi yang mencakup semua aspek siklus dokumen, mulai dari document input (creating, scanning, merging, editing, capturing) dan document management (sharing, indexing, storing, archieving, distributing) hingga document output (printing, faxing, scanning, copying, emailing, web viewing).
Sementara itu segmen usaha Solusi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi dijalankan oleh anak perusahaan PT Astra Graphia Information Technology (AGIT) yang 99,99% sahamnya dimiliki oleh Astragraphia. Pada tahun 2011, Astragraphia telah mengembangkan portofolio Mobile Financial Services. Solusi ini disediakan melalui PT AGIT Monitise Indonesia (AMI) yang merupakan kerja sama strategis antara anak perusahaan AGIT dengan Monitise Asia Pacific Limited yang berkedudukan di Hong Kong.
Kantor pusat Astragraphia terletak di Jalan Kramat Raya 43, Jakarta 10450, dan memiliki 79 titik layan di 27 kantor cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Lowongan Fresh Graduate Management Trainee Program di PT Mandiri Sekuritas, perusahaan investasi 99.99% milik BUMN Bank Mandiri, Syarat & Lokasi Baca Di :

Be a part of the GREAT team

We are one of the biggest investment bank, subsidiary of the biggest state-owned bank in Indonesia, currently looking for a future leader candidate with strong leadership potential and passion to always think out of the box. We challenge you to join our Mandiri Sekuritas Management Trainee Program as

Management Trainee

in which through comprehensive learning program will be developed to be our future professional leaders. Graduates of the program will be further challenged to build a stronger capital market industry.

Requirements and Qualifications :
A visionary candidate with a good interpersonal skill
  1. Dynamic , passionate and relentless to face today’s dynamic capital market industry
  2. Strong leadership capacity in organizational activities background
  3. Good analytical & conceptual thinking skill to create a breakthrough  business improvement
  4. Must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree (faculty of economy or business management) from a reputable local or overseas university (fresh graduates  or with maximum  2 years working experience)
  5. Maximum 24 years old for undergraduate degree (S1) and 27 years old for post graduate degree (S2) by  December 31, 2013
  6. Minimum GPA of  3.25
  7. Excellent command in both written and spoken English  (Min . TOEFL 550)
If you feel you are the one who have those requirement above, feel free to send your application letter, detailed resume and recent photograph to:
Apply online at CDC-UI Website 
The application we received at the latest the date October 23, 2013